Secondly, the deployment of the scientific and technological revolution.

Secondly, the deployment of the scientific and technological revolution.

These are the so-called homeless currencies.

For example, transactions with Eurodollars transferred to foreign banks outside the United States or in a free banking zone in New York (introduced since 1981) are not subject to regulation by the issuing country of this currency – the United States of America. According to the appendix "EURO-" the sums in Japanese yen are called "euro yen", in German marks – euro marks, etc.

The main source of the eurodollar market is foreign countries, legal entities or individuals who keep dollars outside the United States, as well as multinational corporations with cash reserves in excess of current needs and official reserves of central banks.

In terms of transaction technology, the Eurodollar market is highly efficient. It consists of hundreds of intermediary banks located in Europe’s largest financial centers, primarily in London. Due to significant mobility, the Eurodollar market has become the largest international currency market, an important component of the modern international monetary system.

The most significant advantage of the Eurodollar market is its higher profitability compared to a number of national currency markets. This makes it possible to constantly expand the scale of the Eurodollar market from year to year.

An important instrument of the foreign exchange market is the Community of World Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT), which was established in 1973 by 239 banks in 15 countries. Today, SWIFT involves more than 3,000 banks from 80 countries (USA, Canada, Western Europe and some Eastern European countries). International payment centers of this system are located in the Netherlands, Belgium, USA.

International standards have been developed for banks participating in the SWIFT system, which systematize the various requirements for information intended for electronic processing. In most countries whose banks participate in the system, national points have been established, through which orders are transferred to international settlement centers, and through their mediation, national points in turn are connected to each other. Due to this, the process of information transfer during the calculations was reduced to a minimum (from 1 hour to 20 minutes).

In March 1993, Ukraine became the 92nd state to join the SWIFT system and represented in this system by 10 Ukrainian banks. Entrance fee for each bank – 55 thousand dollars. US dollars, and the first deposit of Ukrainian banks to 250 thousand dollars. USA.


Objective bases of world economy development. Abstract

The formation of international economic relations has always been based on the development of entrepreneurship, the inseparable conditions of which are private property, commodity production, as well as such political institutions as civil liberties, private contract law, etc., ie legally free labor embodied in a free man.

Today, there are about 200 states on our planet, separated by about 250 land borders. There are more than 300 items of national money in circulation.

States are at different stages of social development. Most operate in pre-capitalist formations, combining elements of primitive, slave-owning and feudal modes of production.

The capitalist mode of production is also partly prevalent in these countries, but it has not yet become decisive. According to the generally accepted classification, most people in the world live in underdeveloped countries (almost 140 countries). In terms of economic potential (the total value of the gross national product produced on the planet), the developed capitalist countries are in the lead: the United States, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Canada. They generate about 50% of GDP.

Not so long ago, in all Soviet economic literature, when considering the world economy, there was talk of the growing power of the world socialist system. Its share in world industrial production was estimated at 40%. In 1991. most countries of the former socialist commonwealth have officially ceased to call themselves socialist. These are, first of all, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Romania. The same was observed in the countries of the former USSR. Radical changes have also taken place in China, Vietnam, and partly in Cuba, which officially continue to follow the socialist path.

At the same time, certain processes of socialization take place in the developed countries of the world. Thus, the countries that are part of the world economy are different in the level of economic development, membership in certain social and political systems, different regional organizations. Many of them have religious and tribal enmity, socio-ethical conflicts, etc.

However, all countries are to some extent involved in international economic relations (especially trade) with other countries. Therefore, the world economy is a set of national economies and economic relations between them, or a set of production relations that operate at the national and international levels.

The need for such ties is due, first, to the desire of the peoples of the world to survive in the face of excessive growth of nuclear capabilities and the threat of a possible nuclear war, a policy of peaceful coexistence.

Secondly, the deployment of the scientific and technological revolution. At present, none of the countries of the world can use all the achievements of modern science and technology on their own, so they must unite their efforts in this field.

Third, in modern conditions, the countries of the world community can effectively develop their production at the level of world standards, produce high quality products, only using specialization and cooperation of production at the international level. This can significantly reduce the cost of production, increase its quality, reliability, save fuel and energy, raw materials, increase productivity, rationally use labor.

Fourth, the need to unite the efforts of countries in solving global problems (environmental, food), the growing need for mutual assistance in extreme situations (earthquakes, nuclear accidents, etc.), the feasibility of combining the economic efforts of partner countries to jointly develop the world’s wealth. ocean and space, in the preservation of knowledge and ideas already acquired by mankind, and in the processing and use of increasingly complex information systems, the creation of an international information database, which could be used according to their needs of each country of world cooperation …

In general, the concept of world economy is based on the concept of international economy. Because of this, the nature and functioning of the international economy can be linked to the world economy.

Both general and specific economic categories have found their expression in the modern world economy. This determines the theoretical and practical significance of the disclosure of trends, contradictions and prospects for its development.

Since the deep foundation of the international economy is universal socio-economic values, they must first be defined.

The main universal socio-economic values, which are the achievement of civilizational development around the world, include:

family and household; the state and its economic policy as a factor in the growth of social wealth; commodity-money relations, uniting in a single contradictory economic system of the family, the state, their grouping; property, which determines the state of both the individual and the state in the world.

On the basis of these values, the formation and further development of the world economy took place.

Since the inception of the state, there has been a relationship between politics and commodity-money mechanisms. It is general in nature and corresponds to the history, traditions and culture of a country, and at a certain stage of development goes beyond national borders to the level of world economic relations.

Commodity production presupposes the presence of close economic ties between people (peoples, countries) in the form of social (international) division of labor, economic separation of producers, and its market environment – determines the efficiency of products, their price, establishes demand, strengthens the position of a enterprises in competition.

The mechanism of commodity production has developed during the historical development of mankind as an effective means of encouraging producers to reduce individual costs compared to their socially necessary level. In today’s interconnected and integrated world, only the world level can be a measure of the socially necessary level of quality, costs, and production efficiency.

I believe that the basis of any economic system is ownership, especially of the means of production. Property relations determine the position of man in society, the system of its social and moral values, the social system of production.

They are the basis of the entire economic, social and political structure of society. The transformation of property relations establishes new methods of management within individual countries and encourages the search for new forms of international cooperation, the effective assimilation of universal human experience.

The formation of international economic relations has always been based on the development of entrepreneurship, the inseparable conditions of which are private property, commodity production, as well as political institutions such as civil liberties, private contract law, etc., ie legally free labor embodied in a free man. A necessary condition for the domination of entrepreneurship is the possession of capital dominant positions in production.

In my opinion, the broad development of the entrepreneurial form of management is also a reliable basis for large-scale international economic relations and the formation of sustainable international economic systems.

The transition of production to the entrepreneurial form of management requires a certain level of development of human civilization, its material basis, economic system as a general condition and such special conditions as the availability of necessary capital and investment in production, the presence of an army of employees – free and deprived of means of production and funds for people to run their own farms.

Elements of industrial entrepreneurship began to emerge in the XIV-XV centuries. in the form of manufacturing (in northern Italy and the Netherlands), whiter products which came to foreign markets; then spread to England, France and other countries, which with the development of the new economic system underwent rapid social and political revolutions that contributed to the formation of a new civil society.

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