Offer price is almost the average price « 

Offer price is almost the average price « 

Another reason why incontinence in dogs mainly affects females is the ureter: this is shorter than in males, which makes the problems easier. The so-called old age incontinence, however, affects female animals that are not neutered.

Other causes of bladder weakness

The size of the dog also plays a role in bladder weakness: Relatively large dogs that weigh over 20 kilograms are far more likely to suffer from incontinence in dogs than smaller animals.

Certain races are apparently also hit particularly often, as Katharina Linder from the animal protection organization Vier Pfoten says "" explains: While animals such as giant schnauzers, rottweilers, boxers or dobermans are considered to be quite susceptible, spaniels, dachshunds, Bernese mountain dogs and shepherds rarely develop incontinence.

Canine Incontinence: Treatment

Various medications can be used to treat dog incontinence. Always clarify this with your veterinarian.

Cystitis: inflammation of the bladder in dogs Less going to the vet: How to strengthen your dog’s immune system Clarify with the vet: coughing in dogs – these 5 causes are possible

Some dogs should have one to three tablespoons of crushed pumpkin seeds a day in their food, as the notch strengthens the prostate function. But there are also special tablets or drops that can be used on dogs.

A liter of beer can cost 70 cents or more in the store and over eleven euros at the Oktoberfest. This year, for the first time in a long time, the average price has also risen for the most popular beer in Germany: Pils. It’s not because of the hops and malt.

Seven tips for perfect beer enjoyment
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Eleven euros: For the price of a Maß beer at the Oktoberfest there is a ten-liter case of premium pils in the beverage market. What is new this year is that prices have also increased in retail, even more than at the Oktoberfest. "The big question is how long will that last?" says Marcus Strobl, industry expert at market researcher Nielsen. And who now deserves more.

Grain prices will rise – next year

Grain has become more expensive. "Barley is soaring" says Walter König, managing director of the Bavarian Brewers Association. But the breweries have long-term supply contracts, the price increases will only have an impact next year – and then only minimally: the malt costs just 7 or 8 cents for a buy an asian bride liter of beer. Depending on the quantity and quality, hops cost just under 2 cents or up to 8 cents – "when i fall in love with hops" so king. This means, "the focus is not on the raw materials, the farmers are right". Water, crown caps and labels are also tiny cost factors.

This is what makes a good wheat beer
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The proportion that goes to trade is very different. Large breweries have to pay shelf costs and invest in advertising. A smaller brewery, which sells a lot to the catering and direct sales, saves a lot. In addition, supermarkets and beverage stores often use special offer beer to lure customers into the shops.

Price increase of up to 4 percent

Wage, energy and transport costs are decisive for the price increase, according to the brewers’ association. "For a long time, the brewers swallowed a lot and did not pass on the price. Because every brewer knows: a price increase means a decrease in volume" explains King. "People are sensitive there, so they try a different beer." But wages alone have risen by 5 percent in two years. Now the measure was full.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, the prices for barley juice in June were 4.1 percent above the same month last year. Germans buy three quarters of their beer in stores. The market researchers from Nielsen determined an average price of 1.24 euros per liter of beer for the first half of the year. Summer weather and the soccer World Cup helped to push through the price increase – after a long downward trend, beer sales still rose by one percent.

"The offer price is almost the average price"

The price range is wide, depending on the variety, brand and region. A crate of beer in the entry-level segment can be had for 6 euros, and 17 euros in the high-price segment. A liter of pilsner is available in PET bottles for 70 cents, while customers spend more than 10 euros on craft beer. Expensive beers are a niche though, "there is not a significant amount behind it" says Strobl.

The trade uses a dozen brands of beer, the so-called "TV beers" as a decoy. They sell two thirds of the amount in Germany as a special offer – "the offer price is almost the average price" so Strobl. A special offer also works with 10.99 euros per box, it doesn’t have to be 9.99 euros. "So far it holds. It will be exciting next year." In the last two price rounds in 2007 and 2013, the higher prices would have lasted for just one year.

Measure at the Oktoberfest by up to 3.6 percent

Beer prices at Oktoberfest this year will climb by 3.6 percent to as much as 11.50 euros. The simple rule of thumb in gastronomy, starting price times three plus VAT, of course does not apply to the Wiesn. The assembly and dismantling of a tent alone costs one to two million euros, the band a good 200,000 euros, the stewards in the tent 400,000 euros or more, as Wiesn host Christian Schottenhamel says.

In addition, the city has increased its sales lease for the Theresienwiese to 6.1 percent for the small and 7.8 percent for the large tents. With an expected net turnover of 122 million euros, 9.3 million euros in sales lease could be achieved in the upcoming two Oktoberfest weeks, calculated the economics officer and Wiesn boss Josef Schmid. "The breweries have little to do with the beer price at the Wiesn" says Christoph Bohning from the Munich Breweries Association.

Faster than in the freezer: this is how you cool beer really quickly Ultimate beer guide: top and bottom fermented – what’s the difference? Glass or mug ?: Beer tastes best from these glassesSources used: dpa

Usually, a bee or wasp sting is painful but not dangerous. It is different for people with a bee allergy or wasp sting allergy. Find out here how to react correctly to allergic reactions.

The Best Home Remedies for Insect Bites: Ten Tips
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Symptoms of insect bite allergies

A bee or wasp sting is usually very painful and itchy and the affected area swells and reddens. But in most cases the swelling will go down after a day and the symptoms will slowly subside. However, anyone who suffers from a bee allergy or a wasp sting allergy must expect more violent reactions.

With allergy sufferers, the classic symptoms such as redness and itching appear all over the body within a very short time. In addition, there is often swelling of the face and neck. Dizziness, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, nausea and vomiting, difficulty swallowing and problems speaking can also occur as a result of a strong allergic reaction, often within minutes after the bite, such as that "pharmacy magazine" explained.

What makes bees so special
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Such a violent reaction from the body can result in allergic shock. Therefore, an emergency doctor should be called immediately in such cases.

Act quickly if you are allergic to a bee or a wasp sting

But even if the reaction is not so violent, you should react quickly if you have a bee allergy or a wasp sting allergy. Pull the stinger out of the skin with tweezers as quickly as possible. The injection site should be cooled immediately.

To relieve the itching, you can use an antiallergic ointment that may contain cortisone. Under no circumstances should the puncture site be scratched as this can cause bacterial infections.

Popular rumor: can bumblebees sting or bite? My enemy, the bee: Insect venom allergy: When the wasp sting becomes a life-threatening threat Wasp stings: Overripe grapes help Color and shape: recognizing wasp nest – differences to other insects Sand bees: Harmless inhabitants of the earth

If a wasp sting allergy or a bee allergy is already known, you should always have an emergency kit prepared by your doctor with you when you are outdoors for a longer period of time. Such an emergency pharmacy contains an antihistamine, cortisone and possibly also an adrenaline preparation. But even if you can do the first aid yourself, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Wasps, hornets and bees have a problem: they scare us humans without us having to be afraid of them. Because none of the animals simply attacks and stings. So how can coexistence get better?


Are hornet stings fatal? Are wasps aggressive attackers? Should you stay calm or hit it better? When am I particularly interesting for wasps? What can I do so that the animals are not interested in me? Are the animals protected? Cause the animals damage the house?

They’re black and yellow and a danger: that’s mostly what you think of wasps, hornets, and bumblebees. Bees are also popular, but they have a better image – after all, they produce our honey. But how realistic is the danger that is assigned to the small insects? And what is the best way to get along with them? Information on common questions and many a prejudice:

Are hornet stings fatal?

The poison of hornets is no more dangerous than that of bees and also not of wasps – because hornets are members of the same family. With the exception of allergy sufferers or if the stitches are in the mouth and throat area, there is no need to worry. According to the Naturschutzbund Deutschland (Nabu), a hornet sting is more painful, which may be due to the longer and stronger sting and a poisonous component. By the way: hornets never attack for no reason. They even prefer flight to conflict and are more shy than honeybees.

What makes bees so special
Photo series with 6 pictures

Are wasps aggressive attackers?

No. But sometimes they are a little freaked out and panicked. Especially from late summer, when the people begin to die. While until then they only needed protein to raise their larvae, they are now looking for sugar in a targeted and particularly persistent manner, explains the State Association for Bird Protection in Bavaria (LBV). So they end up at our tables and food and drinks.

Should you stay calm or should you shut up better?

Animal rights activists have a clear answer to this question: under no circumstances kill! In the case of hornets, killing without a permit is even forbidden. Now sometimes you’re just so annoyed by the black and yellow pests that you want to strike. Not to mention that keeping calm is not that easy when the insects are frantically buzzing around you.

Nonetheless, hectic action only makes things worse. Because if you wave your arms and attack the insects, they will defend themselves and sting.

Even just blowing the animals off the arm is not a good idea, explains the Nabu. The carbon dioxide in the breath is like an alarm signal for wasps. By the way: sweat of fear alone can trigger attacks. However, this cannot be deliberately suppressed. But maybe it’s better to do the fly if wasps are too aggressive.

Hornets: The animals are strictly protected.

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