Secondly – non-implementation of the School Bus program.

Secondly – non-implementation of the School Bus program.

Secondly – non-implementation of the School Bus program.Third – non-compliance with the requirements of the Law "On Higher Education" on the establishment and operation of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.Fourth – The requirements of the Law of 14.05.15 No. 425-VІІІ “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine” Concerning Provision of State Targeted Support to Combatants and Their Children, Children, One of Their Parents Who Died in the Area anti-terrorist operations, hostilities or armed conflicts or during mass civil protests, children registered as internally displaced persons for vocational and higher education ”.Fifth: Conservation of the problem related to the functioning of the Unified State Electronic Database on Education (EDEBO).According to the specialists of the Accounting Chamber, Inforesurs uses four different computer programs on a paid basis to create and operate such a database. In this case, as established by the inspection, the owner of property rights to computer programs is an individual to whom from 01.11.2013 SE "Inforesource" pays royalties in accordance with the concluded agreements.According to the results of the analysis conducted by the Accounting Chamber, it was established that the amount of funds transferred to Inforesource from all universities of I-IV levels of accreditation during 2013-2015 is about UAH 51.52 million.Instead, in 2015 SE “Inforesource” without any justification increased the amount of payment by universities for the use of EDBO from 0.63 UAH. to 1, 80 UAH., which led to a threefold increase in the cost of higher education – SE "Inforesource", instead of mechanical registration of the university illegally assesses the legitimacy of the actions of educational institutions, as a result – unreasonable failure to enter data into EDEBO or failure to provide the necessary information to the university to issue documents ( certificates) of higher education problems with the issuance of diplomas in 2015.Seventh: unsatisfactory results of the MES implementation of the tasks defined by the Agreement on the Coalition of European Ukraine Factional Factions.Of all the obligations set out in this section, the Ministry of Education and Science has fulfilled in full one – the basic Law of Ukraine “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity” of November 26, 2015-848-VIII was adopted at the initiative of the Cabinet of Ministers.At the same time, the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget for 2016”, the provisions of which were approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, stipulates that science is funded by 0.3%, instead of 1.7%, as required by the adopted law. Therefore, science in Ukraine cannot be effective because it is funded at an inadequate level.The draft laws “On Education” and “On Vocational Education” were prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science with a significant number of systemic shortcomings, which made it impossible to submit them to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.In this regard, the committee has repeatedly decided to send them for revision.Therefore, there can be no question of quality preparation of these bills of the Ministry of Education and Science. Currently, a working group consisting of representatives of the Committee, the Ministry of Education, higher education institutions, research institutions and public organizations is finalizing the draft law "On Education". The question arises – what prevented the Ministry of Education and Science from doing this before?!I want to emphasize that the reason for this mess is the lack of a balanced model and a clear system in the activities of the Ministry, chaos and inconsistency of decisions taken by it. Unfortunately, a clear mechanism of the Ministry of Education has not been created in two years, which is the main cause of all emerging problems.That is why I proposed to recognize the activities of the Ministry of Education in 2015 as unsatisfactory. The applause following this proposal confirms that it is supported by the majority of the educational community.

The original

blogsAlexander Spivakovsky


The Minister emphasizes the need to ensure the transparency of school financial reporting

There is a myth that parents finance education, – Grinevich

Schools are already required to disclose financial statements of a school’s financial income and expenses, whether public funds or parental contributions. This was stated by the Minister of Education Lilia Grinevich during a meeting with the heads of regional education departments.

"Apart from the unequivocal fact that the law must be obeyed, there is another thing – there is a myth in society that parents finance education almost entirely. Obviously, this is not the case. Transparent financial statements, firstly, will help us assess how much money Ukrainian society currently invests in school education and what share this shadow education budget is, and secondly, to finally provide our parents with a transparent picture of what their money is spent on. ", – said Grinevich.

Following the meeting, it was decided to ensure compliance with the law by December 1.

“I think it is worthwhile for you to fix this term at the local level with a relevant document. Then during December it is necessary to monitor the implementation of the law. Unfortunately, it often happens that if the requirement of the law is not supported by a certain responsibility, it is simply not fulfilled. Therefore, it would be right if those institutions that do not comply with the requirement were held accountable, for example, the leaders were reprimanded, "the minister added.

education financing


The funds will be directed to those local budgets in which the most critical situation has developed

A. Spivakovsky: funding for vocational schools increased by 97.9 million

Author: Oleksandr Spivakovsky, People’s Deputy, First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Science and Education, Member of the BPP Faction.

Today, in order to implement the decisions made at the meeting of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman, which took place yesterday, the funding of vocational schools, which are in the most difficult situation, has been increased by 97.9 million hryvnias.

Thus, at the morning meeting of the Government the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 14, 2016 No. 420 “On Amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 16, 2015 No. 727“ Some Issues of Stabilization Grant from the State Budget to Local Budgets ”was adopted.

According to this resolution, the distribution of the stabilization subsidy from the state budget to local budgets for 2016 between the budgets of cities of regional significance for the direction of expenditures on vocational education in the amount of 97 million 994.6 thousand hryvnias was approved.

Immediately after the government took the relevant decision, a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Budget took place, in which I also took part, at which a unanimous decision was made to approve the above-mentioned distribution.

I would like to note that the relevant funds will be directed to those local budgets in which the most critical situation has developed with the provision of funding for vocational schools.

At the same time, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Pavlo Hobzey said that in determining the amount of this grant and the cities to which it will be sent, the Ministry of Education proceeded from the fact that expenditures to finance vocational education of such local budgets should exceed 20% their estimates.

Let me remind you that the meeting, the decisions of which were the basis for increasing funding for vocational education, was held as a result of the hard work of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Science and Education.

The Committee will continue to do its utmost and impossible to ensure adequate protection of education and science.


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Public observation can be carried out at all stages of the organization and conduct of external evaluation

About registration for observers of carrying out ZNO

To ensure openness, transparency, broad and objective informing of the public about the external independent evaluation, public monitoring is carried out annually.

The right to organize monitoring, provided by the Regulations on public monitoring of external independent evaluation, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 20 from 15.01.2016, have the subjects of public monitoring. These include public organizations, parent committees, boards of trustees of educational institutions, the media.

The Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment informs that public monitoring can be carried out at all stages of organizing and conducting external evaluation, from registration and testing to meetings of appellate, regulatory and expert commissions at regional and Ukrainian educational quality assessment centers.

Registration of public observers is carried out by Ukrainian and regional centers for assessing the quality of education on the basis of the following documents:

Representation of subjects of public observation. The representation on the registration of public observers shall indicate the surname, name, patronymic, year of birth of the person authorized to carry out the observation, as well as the territorial boundaries (region) where the public observation is planned. The submission is certified by the seal of the relevant body (organization or educational institution). Written obligation of the person specified in the submission to comply with the rights and obligations of a public observer. Written consent of the person specified in the submission to the processing of personal data. Copies of an identity document – a representative of the subject of public observation.

The deadline for registration of public observers is 5 working days from the date of receipt of the relevant submission.

After registration, public observers receive standard certificates confirming their authority. With the certificates of a public observer issued by the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment, a person may carry out public observation at facilities located in any region of Ukraine.

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