Development of a lesson "Music as an art form" in music in the 5th grade

Development of a lesson "Music as an art form" in music in the 5th grade

I use the vocal and choral skills acquired by students in choir classes and in music lessons. There I continue to work hard to improve them, because in music programs a special place is given to choral singing. Choral singing is not only the correct emotional and expressive performance of songs, but also at the same time active mastering of features of musical art. The whole process of learning to sing promotes an active, interested, creative attitude of students to music. Each class has a choir. And this is my dream, my ideal.

Author: Ryashchenko Tetyana Mykolayivna Position: music teacher.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas "LESSON"

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Related links:

▶ Methodical development "Using the latest technologies in the class of special piano"▶ Development of a lesson "Ukrainian musical culture" in music in the 2nd grade▶ Development of a lesson "Music as an art form" in music in the 5th grade▶ Methodical development "Simple harmonization and creation of musical accompaniment to songs of school repertoire"


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Lesson plan-summary, the educational purpose of which is to introduce children to the world of folk musical instruments, to show their identity and place in human life, to acquaint them with the methods of performance development in folk music; update and expand the art thesaurus; to form the ability to respond to changes in the nature of music and means of musical expression by various techniques of playing musical instruments

Development of a lesson "Music as an art form" in music in the 5th grade

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Author: Bozhok Tetyana Volodymyrivna Position: teacher of music art, integrated course "Art" and art culture.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas "LESSON"

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Related links:

▶ Development of a lesson "Ukrainian musical culture" in music in the 2nd grade▶ Article "Vocal and choral education in the school choir"▶ Methodical development "Simple harmonization and creation of musical accompaniment to songs of school repertoire"▶ Development of a lesson "Rock Opera" in music in 7th grade


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Development of a lesson, the purpose of which is to acquaint with the peculiarities of spiritual music and the characteristic features of the genres of mass and chorale, with the peculiarities of the embodiment of spiritual music in the works of JS Bach; to develop the ability to listen attentively to spiritual music and to characterize special means of musical expression, the ability to hear and analyze the characteristic features of Mass and chorale, to develop the ability to express musical impressions of the listened work, the ability to clearly perform a song to accompaniment and phonogram accompaniment; to cultivate interest in listening to sacred music and performing children’s songs by Ukrainian composers

Development of a lesson "Spiritual music" on music in the 6th grade

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Author: Movchan Natalia Alexandrovna Position: music teacher.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas "LESSON"

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Development of a lesson "Rock Opera" in music in 7th grade▶ Development of a lesson "Genre palette of instrumental music" on music in the 6th grade▶ Development of a lesson "Choral spiritual music (requiem)" in music in the 6th grade▶ Development of the lesson "Musical form. Two-part structure of music" from music in the 3rd grade


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Lesson plan-summary on the stated topic, the purpose of which is to generalize knowledge about the work of Ukrainian composers of the early twentieth century – M. Leontovych, K. Stetsenko, J. Stepov; emphasize the conformity of their music to the ideals of beauty and truth

Development of a lesson "Our great Ukrainian contemporaries" in music in the 8th grade

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Author: Hetman Mykola Pavlovich Position: music teacher.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas "LESSON"

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Development of a lesson "Folk musical instruments" in music in the 5th grade▶ Development of a lesson "Means of musical expression" in music in the 5th grade▶ Development of a lesson "What is the power of music" in music in the 6th grade▶ Development of a lesson "Music in the circle of other arts" in music art in the 6th grade


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Lesson plan-summary on the stated topic, the purpose of which is to acquaint students with Ukrainian music in close cooperation with the history and culture of the Ukrainian people

Development of a lesson "Ukrainian musical culture" in music in the 2nd grade

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Author: Kovalenko Natalia Alexandrovna Position: music teacher.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas "LESSON"

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Development of the lesson "String and bowed instruments of a modern symphony orchestra"▶ Methodical development "Using the latest technologies in the class of special piano"▶ Article "Vocal and choral education in the school choir"▶ Development of a lesson "Music as an art form" in music in the 5th grade


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Lesson plan-summary, the purpose of which is to reveal the significance of Mozart’s work in world music; on the example of his work to show the possibilities of music in the embodiment of various states of the soul; to define the concepts of "requiem", "Dies irae"; to develop the ability to thoughtfully perceive and interpret contrasting in content and sound works, skills of emotionally expressive performance of music; instill aesthetic taste, cultivate interest in the work of Mozart

Development of a lesson "Choral spiritual music (requiem)" on music in the 6th grade

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Author: Porozhnyuk Anna Vladimirovna Position: teacher of musical art.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas "LESSON"

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Development of a lesson "Genre palette of instrumental music" on music in the 6th grade▶ Development of a lesson "Spiritual music" on music in the 6th grade▶ Development of the lesson "Musical form. Two-part structure of music" from music in the 3rd grade▶ Development of a lesson "Folk musical instruments" in music in the 5th grade


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Lesson plan-summary on the stated topic, the purpose of which is to expand knowledge about folk instruments; to deepen knowledge about the work of the folk instrumental ensemble "Trinity Music"; to develop cognitive interest in Ukrainian art, vocal and choral skills; artistic, musical, aesthetic tastes; to cultivate a love for Ukrainian folk music

Development of a lesson "Folk musical instruments" on music in the 5th grade

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Author: Shetilova Natalia Mikhailovna Position: teacher of music and art culture.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas "LESSON"

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Development of a lesson "Choral spiritual music (requiem)" in music in the 6th grade▶ Development of the lesson "Musical form. Two-part structure of music" from music in the 3rd grade▶ Development of a lesson "Means of musical expression" in music in the 5th grade▶ Development of a lesson "Our great Ukrainian contemporaries" in music in the 8th grade



Plan-summary of the combined lesson on the declared topic with multimedia support (media presentation is attached), the purpose of which is to consolidate and recall the means of expression of musical art; to develop vocal and singing skills on the material of the triumphal march from the opera "Aida"

Development of the lesson "Musical treasury of the composer" on musical art in the 5th grade Kb)File format: .zipRate the publication Article rating: 3 of 5 based on 1 ratings.

Author: Aleshnikova Natalia Vyacheslavovna Position: music teacher.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas "LESSON"

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Development of a lesson "Music in the circle of other arts" in music art in the 6th grade▶ Competition "Musical Scholar" by Ludwig van Beethoven in the art of music in the 6th grade▶ Development of a lesson "Characteristic features of genres of choral music (liturgy, requiem) in accordance with their purpose" in music art in the 6th grade▶ Development of the lesson "Artistic wonderland.

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