M. Publishing Center compare and contrast essay now buy « Academy » 2002. Pavlovsky V.

M. Publishing Center compare and contrast essay now buy « Academy » 2002. Pavlovsky V.

Thus, in acmeology, the individual is considered in the context of life, professional, spiritual path.

Acmeological understanding of the subject

The main paradigmatic characteristic of the individual as a subject is that all its features, capabilities, both mental and personal (mind, will, motivation, abilities), the individual uses as resources and means of optimal solutions to life and work problems, optimal implementation communication, cognition, activity, life. The personality, reaching the highest level of development, at which its individuality is revealed, the maximum self-expression and self-realization is carried out, becomes the subject. Personality as a subject has the ability to resolve contradictions.

The concept "subject" is indicated above and in this sense the most perfect quality of man, his desire for the ideal and the achievement of this ideal. When disclosing the mechanism of self-realization and self-expression, the individuality of the individual is taken into account. First, the subject uses its individual capabilities, preferences; secondly, it creates individual compositions from objective and subjective components of activity.

If a person in the process of its functioning undertakes to solve a problem that is much higher than its capabilities, it is in a situation on the verge of their mental and physiological capabilities and resources. Acmeological support, respectively, is completely different. For one type of personality requires the actualization of its reflexive abilities, for the second – organizational, for the third – the ability to plan their time. There are types of individuals who act spontaneously and emotionally, although allegedly proactively, but use their intelligence minimally. Others have minimal motivation, low self-esteem, although a high level of intelligence.

Therefore, acmeological recommendations should be given taking into account the knowledge of the typological features of personality. Thus, acmeology should work closely with psychology. Acmeologists’ support of the individual must achieve the goal – its ideal state in the most economical, constructive and humane way.

Theoretical principles of periodization of age development

Today, unfortunately, there is no single common classification of periods of human development. Consider the most successful in terms of acmeological approach.

In the classification of J. Birren (1964) there are 8 phases of the life cycle of human development:

the first – infant (up to 2 years); the second – pre-school age (from 2 to 5 years); third – childhood (5-12 years); fourth – youth (12-17 years); fifth – early adulthood (17-25 years); sixth – maturity (25-50 years); seventh – late maturity (50-75 years); eighth – old age (from 75 onwards).

A certain disadvantage of this classification is that the selection of the second phase is not based on age, like all others, but on the basis of socio-pedagogical characteristics.

In the classification of D. Bromley (1966) there are five cycles of development:

intrauterine, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age.

In E. Erickson’s classification the following age stages, stages of psychosocial development are allocated:

from birth to 1 year (infant period or oral-sensory stage); 1 to 3 years (early childhood or musculo-anal stage); from 3 to 6 years (age of play or locomotor-genital stage); from 6 to 12 years (school age or latent stage); from 12 to 19 years (adolescence and adolescence); from 20 to 25 years (early maturity); from 26 to 64 years (average maturity); from 65 years (late maturity).

In the classification of W. Quinn (2000) common in modern Western schools, the following age stages are distinguished:

baby age – from birth to 3 years; early childhood – from 3 to 6 years; childhood – from 6 to 12 years; adolescence – from 12 to 18 years; youth – from 18 to 40 years; mature age – from 40 to 65 years; old age – from 65 years and onwards.

Thus, taking into account almost all of these approaches, the average age periodization of human life development was identified:

period of the baby (from birth to 2 years); early childhood (from 2 to 6 years); middle childhood (from 6 to 12 years); adolescence (from 12 to 15 years); youth (from 15 to 19); early adulthood (from 20 to 40 years); average adulthood (from 40 to 60 years); late adulthood and old age (from 60 onwards).


Volkov Yu. G., Dobrenkov VI, Kadaria FD, Savchenko IP, Shapovalov VA Sociology of youth: Textbook / ed. Prof. Yu. G. Volkova. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2001. Golovaty NF Sociology of youth: Course of lectures. – Kyiv, 1999. Golovenko VA Ukrainian youth movement in the twentieth century. – K., 1997. Kravchenko AI Sociology: Textbook. manual for students. higher ped. Textbook. routine. – M. Publishing Center "Academy" 2002. Pavlovsky VV Juventology: the project of integrative science of youth. – Moscow: Academic Project, 2001. On the situation of youth in Ukraine. Annual report of the President of Ukraine to the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Chernysh N. Sociology. Course of lectures. – Lviv: Calvary, 2003.

May 22, 2012

Problems of youth and conflict of generations. Abstract

Youth problems and negative phenomena in the youth environment. Conflict of generations

Youth problems and negative phenomena in the youth environment

Youth problems are studied in three aspects:

What young people can give to society for its development; What can society give to young people for their development from social formation; Youth’s own potential in the interests of its self-realization and development of the whole society.

The demographic situation affects young people as follows, in particular, recently the number of rural youth in the suburbs is growing, there is an extremely rapid rejuvenation of motherhood and a rapid increase in the number of migrants from young people.

Modern youth in society has many demographic, social, economic and ethical problems.

The first problem is the reduction of the number of young people, and, accordingly, the aging of the population, reducing the role of youth as a labor resource of society. This is due to a 1.5-fold increase in the number of divorces in young families compared to the 1980s. More divorces – fewer children. In addition, 14.5 thousand young people aged 15-29 died in 1989, in 2000 this figure was already 17.9 thousand.

The problem of downsizing is also closely linked to the increase in suicides. According to O. Ovakymyan, Ukraine today is characterized as a country with a surge of high suicidal activity: on average, about 30 suicides per 100,000 population, most of whom are young people. Sumy, Zaporizhia, Chernihiv, Lviv, Donetsk, and Luhansk oblasts are in the first place in terms of suicide rates, with 38 to 40 suicides per 100,000 population registered.

The second problem is the deteriorating health of young people. The current young generation is less physically and mentally healthy than the previous one. According to statistics, 6% of children are born almost healthy. Only 10% of high school graduates can consider themselves healthy. The disease is often associated with anemia and general weakness, which is mainly due to poor nutrition. An epidemic of tuberculosis, also known as TB, is spreading in Ukraine "disease of the poor" (from 1997 to 2005 the number of patients with tuberculosis increased by 28.9%).

Significant damage to the body is caused by sexually transmitted infections, especially syphilis. Today, this is the scale of a real epidemic (over the past 10 years, the incidence of girls aged 15-17 years has increased 19.1 times, boys of this age 14.3 times). The number of AIDS cases has significantly increased. The real number of HIV-infected people in Ukraine is over 240,000, which enables Ukraine "to sit down" first place in Europe in the number of HIV-infected young people aged 15 to 24 years.

The prevalence of drug use also has a significant impact on young people’s health. According to expert estimates, the absolute number of drug addicts in Ukraine is approaching 800 thousand, and 90% of drug addicts are young people under 30 years old.

The third problem is youth unemployment. Statistics show that a significant percentage of the unemployed are young people. It has become widespread in the lives of many young people "feeling anxious to become unemployed"… This factor is the reason for young people to commit illegal acts. In Ukraine in 2000, the total number of persons who committed a crime was 309.1 thousand, 52.8% of them were young people who did not work at the time of the crime.

Thus, getting a job that pays well after graduation is quite urgent and relevant. In the scale of professional prestige, according to scientists, the first 10 places are occupied by the following professions:

lawyer (8); owner of a commercial bank (7.9); doctor (7.1); professor at the university (7); manager (6.9); journalist (6.6); accountant (6.5); store owner (6.4); security guard (5.9); criminal authority (5.2).

The fourth problem that young people in all countries need to solve is choosing a life partner (husband or wife) and creating a full-fledged family.

The main negative phenomena in the youth environment, in general, can be listed as follows:

the growth of crime, the spread of suicide attempts, drug use, the spread of AIDS.

Conflict of generations

Exploring intergenerational conflict issues will help resolve conflicts between parents, maintain good relationships between grandparents, and understand the root causes of intergenerational conflict. "parents and children"… According to experts, the system of views and ideas in humans lasts for about 30 years, ie the time of the most active period of life of each generation. The differences between different generations can be moderate, calm, and can be quite conflicting.

The conflict between the views and worldview of two neighboring generations is called – the conflict of parents and children. The clash of generations, which is the nature of the confrontation of different value systems is called the conflict of generations. Usually children do not accept the values ​​of their parents’ generation, not wanting to accept them as a benchmark. In view of this, there is a scientific concept in sociology "intergenerational gap"…

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