Added sections « Additions and Comments » and « Bookshelf ».

Added sections « Additions and Comments » and « Bookshelf ».

The book tells about the most important and interesting finds of the remains of extinct reptiles of the Volga region, about the ecosystems of the distant past, as well as about people who found and read the mysterious letters of the stone annals of the planet.

For everyone interested in the history of the Earth, life and science.

Nikolay Nikolaevich ANDREEV

Was born on February 5, 1975 in Saratov.

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Heads a unique laboratory of popularization and propaganda of mathematics at the Mathematical Institute. V.A. Steklov RAS. One of the founders of the "Mathematical Etudes" project. In addition to educational activities, he is engaged in serious mathematics (among his scientific interests are approximation of functions, extremal problems, polynomials in trigonometric and other orthogonal systems, cubature formulas, discrete geometry).

Winner of the 2015 Enlightener Prize (for the book The Mathematical Component).


Was born in 1960. Chief editor of the Snob project, formerly a molecular geneticist.

Alexey Aleksenko’s profile on "Snob"


The land of mathematical wonders, through which the children – the heroes of this book – travel, exists in reality: this is the name of the museum of interactive mathematical models on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. It was created by Jin Akiyama in 2003. The entertaining models described in the book (many of which the author demonstrated both in Japan and abroad) are designed to help children discover amazing patterns and realize all kinds of mathematical wonders.

The book describes plots taken from the scientific works of the authors and not previously encountered in the literature on entertaining mathematics: transformer polyhedra, plane tilings with tetrahedron sweeps, “dual purpose” polyhedra. This book both entertains and talks about new things, and even teaches mathematics to some extent.

The book is addressed to schoolchildren, their parents and teachers.

The plots collected in the book describe both the mathematical "component" of the greatest achievements of civilization, which determine modern life, and the mathematical "filling" of familiar, everyday things. The authors include a number of famous mathematicians. Fascinating, easy presentation style makes the materials of the book accessible to the general reader.

In the second edition, new authors and plots are presented, the volume of the book has doubled. Added sections "Additions and Comments" and "Bookshelf".

Laureate of the 2015 Enlightener Prize in the Natural and Exact Sciences category.

Full text of the book


The problems and methods of preparation for reintroduction of large carnivorous mammals raised in captivity are described using the example of a wolf as a model species of predator. The necessary conditions for keeping animals in the process of postnatal ontogenesis for the formation of behavior within the normal range characteristic of the species are shown.

The book will be of interest to both specialists and anyone interested in ethology.



Peter abrahams

He was educated at the Middlesex Hospital School of Medicine (London). He intended to become a surgeon, but his scientific interests shifted to the field of clinical anatomy. He worked at University College London, University of Cambridge, Kigezi International School of Medicine (Uganda). Professor of Clinical Anatomy at the University of Warwick (UK), Fellow of Gurton College (Cambridge), Family Doctor. Engaged in teaching and consulting in developing countries in Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia. Author of 18 textbooks on clinical anatomy and radiology, translated into over 70 languages.

Peter Abrahams’ page on the University of Warwick website


What is linguistics, or linguistics? What does this science do, what problems does it face? This book tells about the history of linguistics from ancient times to the present and shows how science tries to answer three main questions related to language – how it works, how it changes over time and how it functions.

The book entered the long list of the 2018 Enlightener Prize.



Andrea Antinori

Italian artist, author of children’s books. Laureate of the Andersen Prize (2017). Studied at the Higher School of Industrial Design (Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche) in Urbino. Lives in Bologna.

Personal site



Fred adams

Was born in 1961.

American astrophysicist, professor at the University of Michigan. Research interests – star formation, cosmology.

Graduated from Iowa State University in 1983, Ph.D. in 1988. at the University of California at Berkeley, after which he continued his research at the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Center.

Fred Adams’ page on the University of Michigan website



Graduated from the Geological Faculty of the Saratov State University. Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Geoecology and Engineering Geology, Saratov State Technical University. Research interests: marine Mesozoic reptiles, representatives of Mesozoic subcontinental biotas, Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphy. Member of the All-Russian Paleontological Society.

Maxim Arkhangelsky’s page on the Saratov State Technical University website


Jin Akiyama

Born October 12, 1946 in Tokyo.

He received his Ph.D. from the Tokyo Science University, where he is currently a professor and director of the Research Center for Mathematics and Science Education. Research interests: discrete geometry, graph theory, methods of teaching mathematics. Member of the European Academy of Sciences.

A well-known popularizer of science. Since 1991 he has lectured in mathematics on the Japanese NHK channel, collaborates with radio stations and print media.

Personal site



Diane ackerman

She was born on October 7, 1948 in Waukegan (Illinois, USA).

She studied English at Pennsylvania State University and received her PhD in Art History from Cornell. She has taught at several universities, including Columbia and Cornell.

Poetess, publicist and naturalist. She has collaborated with The New York Times, Smithsonian, Parade, The New Yorker, National Geographic and other publications. She has been on many expeditions around the world (studied golden lion tamarins, southern whales, humpback whales, Danaid monarch butterflies, monk seals and other animals).

Author of several fiction and nonfiction books. Three of her works – "The Human Age" (The Human Age, 2014), "The Zookeeper’s Wife" (2008) and "A Natural History of the Senses" (1990) – became bestsellers in The New York Times.

Source: Wikipedia

Curriculum Vitae on the Poetry Foundation website



David Attenborough

The most famous TV presenter and naturalist. One of the creators of a new format of educational television programs about nature, the author of the series Life, which tells about all forms of life on Earth, the creator of many films and programs about animals and plants. Commander of the Order of the British Empire, Member of the Royal Society of London, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, honorary member of the Moscow Society of Nature Experts, the British Ecological Society.

Article about David Attenborough in Britannica EncyclopediaArticle about David Attenborough on WikipediaArticle about David Attenborough on the English Wikipedia


How does love arise? What makes two people who were not yet familiar yesterday decide today that they should spend their lives together? Why do spouses, who have long lost mutual interest, seek entertainment on the side, but do not want to get divorced? Where does a young mother get the strength not to sleep all night long, cradling a baby? Why are some people attracted to members of the same gender? ..

At all times, poets and artists sang the magic of love, which can make a person happy or make him suffer. But only relatively recently neuroscientists have become closely interested in the question: what happens to our physiology when we are in love? What chemical processes are "responsible" for our love frenzy?

Book website


The book under the general editorship of Professor of Anatomy, renowned teacher, author of manuals and textbooks Peter Abrahams is devoted to the structure, functioning and diseases of the human brain. Based on the most modern medical knowledge, the answer to the question is given in an accessible and interesting way: how does the human brain work?

The superbly illustrated edition is easy to use: the material is divided into seventy-five topics, ranging from the structure of the brain to depression, from the characteristics of vascular brain damage and the effect of caffeine on its work, to the processes occurring in our heads when we laugh. Color photographs, CT and MRI scans, graphs add clarity.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers, it will also be useful to students of medical universities and colleges, and professionals working in the medical industry.


She was born in Kiev in 1918. Member of the Writers’ Union of the USSR (since 1956). Graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin. At the beginning of World War II, while in evacuation, she worked as a correspondent for the Chkalovsk Regional Radio Committee. Literary editor of VGKO (1943-1946); later she worked in the sector of literature of the peoples of the USSR at Goslitizdat. The author of scientific and educational stories for children and youth about mathematics, philology, cultural history, plays, scripts of popular science and educational radio programs for children and youth, essays on art for youth, memories of his childhood, poems, poems, translations, etc. Emilia Alexandrova received the greatest fame in adult literature as a translator, translating poems from Armenian, Hungarian, Albanian, Romanian, Finnish. She died in Moscow on July 28, 1994.

Source: LiveLib

Vladimir Igorevich ARNOLD

Born June 12, 1937 in Odessa, died June 3, 2010 in Paris.

One of the most prolific mathematicians in the world. Although he was best known as a co-author of the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theorem on the stability of integrable Hamiltonian systems, during his almost half-century career he made important contributions to the development of a number of areas of mathematics, including dynamical systems theory, catastrophe theory, topology, algebraic geometry, classical mechanics and theory of singularities.

Vladimir Arnold is famous for his clarity of presentation style, a combination of mathematical rigor with an easy, conversational style of teaching. His writings offer a fresh, often geometric approach to traditional subjects of mathematics such as ordinary differential equations, and many of his textbooks have subsequently had a significant impact on the development of new areas of mathematics.

Vladimir Arnold has won numerous awards, including the 1965 Lenin Prize (with Andrei Kolmogorov), the 1982 Crafoord Prize (with Louis Nirenberg), the 1994 Harvey Prize and the prestigious Wolf Prize ( Wolf Prize) for 2001.

In recent years, Vladimir Arnold worked at the Moscow Institute of Mathematics. VA Steklov and at IX Paris University.

The book you are holding in your hands will tell about wolves: their relationship, how they hunt, raise wolf cubs and guard the borders of their possessions. It will only talk about one pack, but for the author of the book, the "lord of wolves" Jason Badridze, this family has become almost native: with her he began to study these animals. In the book, the author recalls the most interesting and memorable moments from his life in a pack of wolves.

The collection "Problems for children from 5 to 15 years old" has caused a lot of reviews. Both children and adult readers often regretted that there were only mathematical problems – after all, all natural science define synthesis in writing deserves an equally active, creative attitude towards itself. Now I answer these wishes – following Jan Amos Kamensky rather than modern teachers, that is, always striving to be understandable to a reader who does not have prior knowledge (but as curious as most adolescents).


Marc abrahams

Co-founder and editor of the Annals of Improbable Research, a humorous science journal, which features some of the most unusual (and funniest) scientific papers ever written.

Founder of the Shnobel (Ignobel, Antinobel) Prize, awarded "for achievements that make you laugh first and then think."

As a science journalist, he collaborates with many media outlets in the United States and around the world.

Author of several humorous books about science: The Ig Nobel Prizes, The Man Who Cloned Himself, Why Chickens Prefer Beautiful Humans, It’s incredible! " (This Is Improbable) "This is incredible too!" (This is Improbable Too), The Ig Nobel Cookbook.

Read more about Mark Abrahams on the Annals of Incredible Research website Wikipedia page on the Shnobel Prize

What do we know about whales? They live in the ocean, they are huge, and they also put out fountains. That’s right, but that’s not all. This is also the opinion of the artist Andrea Antinori, who in his book presents cetaceans in all their glory!

We will get to know different families of whales and find out how baleen whales differ from toothed whales. The daily life of these sea giants will open up to us, because in many ways whales are unique and do everything in their own way: they eat, sleep, breathe, talk and even travel for family business.

The Book of Whales tells not only about the whales themselves, but also about what surrounds them – or once surrounded them (if you want to know about the past of whales – welcome to the page of paleontology, where you can get acquainted with their ancestors). What about modern neighbors? Stick fish, sea acorns, krill, and, of course, people – whales have their own special relationship with everyone.

Despite their simplicity, the illustrations are made with close attention to biological details. They will teach children and adults to distinguish between whales, recognize them by their characteristic fountains, understand the structural features of amazing and huge whale bodies, and they will also make us smile more than once: it turns out that whales are fidgets and gourmands!

The book offers the young reader a basic scientific knowledge of whale biology. For primary and secondary school age.


Every day, the world makes discoveries and decisions that affect our future. But can anyone foresee what awaits humanity? Is teleportation possible (spoiler: yes), how will the climate change, what will the transport be like, and what will happen if artificial intelligence takes over us? Will people be happier with pills and healthier with DNA treatment? What miracles of technology can we expect? What kind of revolutions in everyday life? In this book, the world’s leading experts, led by Jim Al-Khalili, use the knowledge of advanced science to give the reader an idea of ​​what lies ahead.

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